Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts must be submitted online through ScholarOne portal:
The articles submitted to the Lahore Journal of Business go through an initial desk review which is conducted by the journal’s editors.
Should an article pass this initial desk review, it will be subject to a double-blind review. This includes reviews from local and international scholars. LJB does not charge a manuscript submission, processing, or publication fee.
Peer Review Process
All submissions to our journal must be original works that have not been previously published and are not currently under review elsewhere. Our acceptance criteria focus on the quality and relevance of the research to our readership. Each submission undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer review process.
Initially, the editor evaluates all the manuscripts for their suitability and content. Authors whose submissions do not meet the initial criteria are promptly informed. Manuscripts that pass this initial screening proceed to double-blind peer review by experts in the relevant field. External reviewers provide feedback on various aspects of the research article, including its originality, quality of presentation, research design, empirical findings, usefulness of the study, and its interest to the research community. If the reviewers identify significant flaws in the manuscript that cannot be addressed through major revisions, they may recommend rejecting the paper.
Authors should see a revision request as a chance to improve their work. They must carefully revise their paper according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions to avoid delays. Revised papers and responses must be submitted within two months. Moreover, accuracy and completeness are crucial to prevent further revisions. If more time is needed due to other commitments, the authors can request an extension.
Notes for Authors
- The manuscript should be between 7000 and 10000 words in length including the references.
- The cover page of the manuscript should have the title of the paper, the names(s) of the author(s), and a footnote giving the current affiliation of the author(s) and any acknowledgments. The cover page should be submitted separately from the main text file.
- The main text file should be submitted as a blinded manuscript. It should not contain any information that can be used to identify the author(s).
- The manuscript should include an abstract (maximum 200 words). The abstract should be followed by Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications and keywords (four to six). Please note that JEL classifications are also available for marketing and management-related topics. For more on JEL classifications please consult
- The main text of the article should be in single-column format, double-line spaced with a font style of Times New Roman. All main headings should be bold with size 16, while subheadings should be bold with font size 14. The main text should be justified with size 12.
- The numerals used for headings and subheadings should be 1, 1.1, and 1.1.1. It is advised to limit the level of headings within the main text file.
- Distinguish between figures (diagrams) and tables (statistical material) and number them in separate sequences. Each table/figure should have a brief but descriptive title. All tables/figures should be self-explanatory, incorporating any necessary descriptive material in a note at the base of the table.
- Each mathematical formula, figure, and table should be submitted as editable text, not as pasted images.
- Footnotes should be placed on their specific pages and be numbered sequentially.
- References in the text should include the name(s) of the author(s) with the year of publication in parentheses, and all references should conform to the APA style.
- All references used in the text should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order of the authors’ surnames and follow the APA style. For more details about referencing, please refer to the APA style manual.
- The LJB can require authors to provide the data used in the analyses for the purpose of replication. The data should be clearly and precisely documented and be made available to the journal reviewer (if requested).
- The names of two potential reviewers along with their contact information should be provided as part of the submission.