The Lahore Journal
of Business

The Lahore Journal
of Business

Lahore Journal of Business

(HEC recognized journal in “Y” category)

The Lahore Journal of Business is aimed at providing a specialized forum for dissemination of qualitative and quantitative research in various areas of business administration. The LJB invites researchers, policy makers and analysts to submit original theoretical and empirical papers that explore and contribute to the understanding of various areas in the business domain. The Journal aims at bringing together state-of-art research findings, particularly from emerging markets, in various business disciplines including (but not limited to) accounting, banking, management, marketing, finance, investments, human resource management and organizational behavior.

Brand Equity Creation through a Moderated Mediation Model in the Luxury Brand Industry


November 22, 2023


November 22, 2023


November 22, 2023


This research gauges the role of brand experience and perceived social media marketing activities in the creation of consumer-based brand equity using a stimulus organism-response model. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire focused on luxury fashion brands. The sample, consisting of 243 usable responses, was analyzed using structural equation modelling in Smart PLS4. Our results show that perceived social media activities play a vital role in the creation of brand equity. Brand experience partially mediates the association between consumer-based brand equity and perceived social media marketing. Interestingly, high brand trust contributes to higher consumer-based brand equity. This study is adds value to the literature by focusing on the role of perceived social media marketing activities in the creation of consumer based brand equity through a second-stage approach to moderated mediation using brand experience and brand trust. The study also has valuable managerial implications that could help businesses enhance their consumer-based brand equity. Luxury fashion brands should maximize customer experience through social media activities and engagement. Fashion brands should also invest in personalized recommendation engines on social media platforms to improve consumer experience


Perceived social media activities

brand experience

brand trust

consumer-based brand equity

moderated mediation

This work is licensed under LJB.

Salman, M., & Chaudary, S. (2023). Brand Equity Creation through a Moderated
Mediation Model in the Luxury Brand Industry. The Lahore Journal of Business, 11(1), 81-102

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