The Lahore Journal
of Business

The Lahore Journal
of Business

Lahore Journal of Business

(HEC recognized journal in “Y” category)

The Lahore Journal of Business is aimed at providing a specialized forum for dissemination of qualitative and quantitative research in various areas of business administration. The LJB invites researchers, policy makers and analysts to submit original theoretical and empirical papers that explore and contribute to the understanding of various areas in the business domain. The Journal aims at bringing together state-of-art research findings, particularly from emerging markets, in various business disciplines including (but not limited to) accounting, banking, management, marketing, finance, investments, human resource management and organizational behavior.

Does Bitcoin Hedge Industry Credit Risk? A Comparison with Gold


November 22, 2023


November 22, 2023


November 22, 2023


Credit default swaps are considered indicators of default probability and used to measure credit risk in different sectors of the US industry. This study examines the effectiveness of hedging and safehaven options for US sectoral credit default swap indices, focusing on whether Bitcoin or gold can serve as effective assets for mitigating credit risk in US industries. The GARCH model with dummy variables and quantile regression are employed to estimate the hedging and safe haven properties of Bitcoin and gold. The findings indicate that both Bitcoin and gold can be utilized as effective hedging and safe haven assets for US industry credit risk. Furthermore,the study highlights the superior hedging potential and safe-haven properties of Bitcoin compared to gold. Overall, the results suggest that investors and portfolio managers can effectively utilize Bitcoin and gold to protect against credit risk in different US sectors, regardless of market and economic conditions.


Credit default swaps




safe haven

This work is licensed under LJB.

Farid, S., Rafay, A., & Zafar, Q. (2024). Does Bitcoin Hedge Industry Credit Risk?
A Comparison with Gold. The Lahore Journal of Business, 11(2), 115-152.

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