Fostering Environmental Performance through Green Supply Chain Practices: Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Pakistan
- Umme Rubab
- Visiting Faculty Bahria University Karachi, Pakistan
- Muhammad Rahies Khan
- Ph.D. Scholar Department of Management Sciences Bahria University Karachi, Pakistan
- (Corresponding Author)
- Muhammad Mutasim Billah Tufail
- Associate Professor Department of Management Sciences Bahria University Karachi, Pakistan
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
- Received
- 9 September 2023
- Revised
- 25 February 2024
- Accepted
- 18 April 2024
Achieving sustainable performance is a challenging but useful tool for firms in this competitive environment. The literature highlights several avenues to address sustainable performance, but there is a lack of emphasis on common practices and strategies. This study examines the role of green initiatives, specifically eco-design, green purchasing and reverse logistics, in addressing environmental performance. Practice-based view theory is used to evaluate the influence of these common green practices on a firm’s environmental performance. A total of 214 participants were approached to participate in this study and data analysis was conducted using AMOS. The findings reveal a significant and positive impact of ecodesign, green purchasing and reverse logistics on environmental performance. This study provides implications for practitioners, policymakers and academics regarding environmentally oriented business operations that could better serve manufacturing firms. Additionally, firms are encouraged to focus on easily imitable, easy-to transfer and easy-to understand practices to address sustainable performance.
environmental performance
reverse logistics
green purchasing
supply chain management

This work is licensed under LJB.
- Citation
Rubab, U., Khan, M. R., & Tufail, M. M. B. (2024). Fostering Environmental Performance through Green Supply Chain Practices: Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing
Firms in Pakistan. The Lahore Journal of Business, 11(2), 89-114.
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