The Lahore Journal
of Business

The Lahore Journal
of Business

Lahore Journal of Business

(HEC recognized journal in “Y” category)

The Lahore Journal of Business is aimed at providing a specialized forum for dissemination of qualitative and quantitative research in various areas of business administration. The LJB invites researchers, policy makers and analysts to submit original theoretical and empirical papers that explore and contribute to the understanding of various areas in the business domain. The Journal aims at bringing together state-of-art research findings, particularly from emerging markets, in various business disciplines including (but not limited to) accounting, banking, management, marketing, finance, investments, human resource management and organizational behavior.

Impact of Workplace Incivility on Work-Family Conflict: The Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion and Moderating Role of Job Experience


November 22, 2023


November 22, 2023


November 22, 2023


This study tests the role of emotional exhaustion as amediating mechanism between workplace incivility instigated by three sources (i.e., customers, co-workers and supervisors) and work-family conflict (WFC). We test the role of job experience as a boundary condition affecting the indirect relationship between supervisor incivility and WFC via emotional exhaustion. The sample consists of 235 front-line restaurant worers employed in casual and fine-dining restaurants in Lahore, Pakistan. Structural equation modeling is used to test the hypothesized relationships. Customer incivility, coworker incivility and supervisor incivility are positively associated with WFC. Emotional exhaustion mediates the relationship between workplace incivility instigated by the three sources listed above  and WFC. Job experiencestrengthens the positive in direct effect of supervisor incivility on WFC via emotional exhaustion. However, job experience does not affect the positive indirect effect of customer incivility and co-worker incivility on WFC via emotional exhaustion. The WFC literature mostly employs job experience as a control variable. This study is the first to examine jobexperience as a boundary condition affecting the indirect link between supervisor incivility and WFC via emotional exhaustion.


Workplace incivility

work-family conflict

emotional exhaustion

job experience,

restaurant servers


This work is licensed under LJB.

Moazzam, S., & Malik, M. A. R. (2023). Impact of Workplace Incivility on WorkFamily Conflict: The Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion and Moderating Role of Job
Experience. The Lahore Journal of Business, 11(1), 27-55.

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