The Lahore Journal
of Business

The Lahore Journal
of Business

Lahore Journal of Business

(HEC recognized journal in “Y” category)

The Lahore Journal of Business is aimed at providing a specialized forum for dissemination of qualitative and quantitative research in various areas of business administration. The LJB invites researchers, policy makers and analysts to submit original theoretical and empirical papers that explore and contribute to the understanding of various areas in the business domain. The Journal aims at bringing together state-of-art research findings, particularly from emerging markets, in various business disciplines including (but not limited to) accounting, banking, management, marketing, finance, investments, human resource management and organizational behavior.

Linking Environmental Management Systems to Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Economy


November 22, 2023


November 22, 2023


November 22, 2023


This study aims to determine how environmental performance and customer satisfaction affect the relationship between environmental  management systems and company perfor mance. For this purpose,we have collected and analyzed data from 243 textile companies in Pakistan, using partial least squares structural equation modelling. Our empirical results indicate that environmental management systems have a positive and significant impact on business success, customer satisfaction and environmental performance. The findings also show that environmental performance and customr satisfaction mediate the relationship between environmental management systems and business performance in a complementary manner. Our findings show that environmental performance and customer happiness are essential for textile companies to benefit from environmental management systems. The results suggest that Pakistani textile companies should make better use of environmental management systems as valuable tools for addressing stakeholders’ concernsand for boosting financial profits.


Environmental management systems

firm performance

customer satisfaction

environmental performance,



This work is licensed under LJB.

Bashir, A., Jawaad, M., Hasan, T., & Nasir, T. (2024). Linking Environmental Management Systems to Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Economy. The Lahore Journal of Business, 11(2), 55-88.

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