Syed Shahzeb Saleem and Mohammad Adil
The measurement of Internet banking services is a key management activity that provides information necessary for making effective decisions, monitoring performance, and allocating resources effectively. In this context, the E-S-QUAL scale is widely used to measure service quality in various service industries. This study attempts to measure Internet banking service quality in India based on data collected from a sample of 274 respondents through nonprobability-based convenience sampling. In order to test the reliability of the scale and determine if there are significant differences between respondents’ demographic variables and factors related to E-S-QUAL, we employ Cronbach’s alpha (reliability test), the t-test, ANOVA, and correlation analysis. Our preliminary analysis indicates that, in terms of internal consistency/reliability, the E-S-QUAL (when applied to India) performs just as a scale measuring service quality should. The findings suggest there are no significant differences across respondents relating to gender and age, but there is a significant difference where income is concerned. There is a high and strong level of correlation between the factors of service quality